The goal of the ‘Give Audreyanna a Chance’ 2025 electoral campaign is to model a country after our national motto

Dear Editor,

I am launching my mobilization campaign or rather movement for my Presidential Candidacy for the 2025 Elections. The objectives of the ‘Building Our Dream Guyana’ Campaign/ Movement are to: Mobilise the Guyanese people, the diaspora and friends of Guyana towards the achievement of the Motto: One People, One Nation, One Destiny; mobilise the Guyanese people, the diaspora and friends of Guyana and Guyanese around presenting a quality presidential candidate with the capacity and capability to transform the political culture in Guyana; mobilise the Guyanese people around developing common values and common principles to transform the electoral culture and the society as a whole; reorienting the Guyanese society to ‘Build Our Dream Guyana’ together; and mobilise the Guyanese people around building a new political, economic, environmental, and social culture in Guyana which will be done by building strong families, strong communities, strong orrganisations and institutions, strong citizenship, a strong economy, strong bonds with strong leadership.

The activities of the movement will be conducted as follows: Organise families, communities, organisations and institutions around developing common values and common principles to transform the electoral culture and building a new political, economic, environmental, and social culture in Guyana; Mobilise Guyanese in Guyana and the diaspora around strengthening the rule of law in Guyana; mobilise Guyanese in Guyana and the diaspora around transforming the political, economic, and social culture in Guyana into a more rights-based society; mobilise the Guyanese people and the diaspora around creating a resilient and sustainable development and a sustainable business culture; mobilise the Guyanese people and diaspora around promoting strong Guyanese citizenship.

What am I promising as President of Guyana? I am promising, one of the best countries to raise a family; one of the best countries for the elderly; one of the best countries for young people to develop and realize their talent and aspirations; one of the best countries to get an education; good health and wellbeing; one of the best countries to be a citizen; one of the best countries for investment and to do business; to eliminate corruption; one of the countries with a low crime rate; one of the best countries with efficient and affordable health care; one of the most environmentally friendly countries; one of the countries with a fair justice system; one of the countries with high quality law enforcement; one of the countries with high quality workforce and efficient delivery of services; a rights-based country; and a united country. For this campaign/movement we would like to partner with Guyanese in Guyana; Guyanese in the diaspora; businesses; Private Sector Organisations; Civil Society Organisa-tions; religious organisations; youth organisation; and friends of Guyana and Guyanese.

For a long time, Guyana has had two fundamental problems: insufficient finance for developing the country and poor leadership; however, with the production of oil and gas, we have largely solved the finance problem, but we now need to solve the leadership problem. I am asking the Guyanese people to ‘Give Audreyanna a Chance’ to be the next President of Guyana. Some people may ask Give Audreyanna a Chance to do what? Here is my response. ‘Give Audreyanna a Chance’ to work with the Guyanese people to ‘Build Our Dream Guyana’ and achieve One People, One Nation, One Destiny; to provide strong leadership; to work with the Guyanese people to build strong families; to work with the Guyanese people to build strong communities; to work with the Guyanese people to build strong organisations and institutions; to work with the Guyanese People to develop strong citizenship; to work with the Guyanese people to build a strong economy; to work with the Guyanese people to build strong bonds; and to work with Guyanese to build a strong Guyana.

My goal is to eliminate poverty in Guyana by 2035 and rebuild and expand the middle class. For the purpose of this campaign/movement; our community, youth, and diaspora groups, will be called ‘Dream Teams’. I would like to partner and team up with persons who still believe in the ideal of our Motto: One People One Nation One Destiny.


Citizen Audreyanna Thomas

Presidential Candidate 2025