Failure to address issues like political sectarianism now could lead to irreversible consequences for our nation

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the growing political sectarianism in Guyana, which threatens the very fabric of our social peace. Over the years, the increasing consolidation of power by the ruling party has led to a dangerous polarization of our society, with political loyalty often overshadowing national unity and community harmony.

The trend of partisan favouritism in public appointments, resource allocation, and governance has exacerbated ethnic and political divides, creating an environment of distrust and exclusion. The government’s actions, whether intentional or not, have fostered a perception of marginalization among significant segments of the population, leading to a simmering resentment that is slowly but surely reaching a boiling point.

This divisive path, if left unchecked, risks inciting civil unrest, undermining our democracy, and eroding the trust that is vital for our nation’s stability. We must recognize that the slow boil of political sectarianism is not a distant or abstract threat; it is a clear and present danger to the peace and social cohesion that all Guyanese cherish.

 It is imperative for our leaders, across all political divides, to engage in genuine dialogue and commit to inclusive governance that transcends party lines. Failure to address these issues now could lead to irreversible consequences for our nation.

As citizens, we must demand accountability, transparency, and a commitment to national unity from those in power. Guyana’s future depends on our collective ability to resist the tide of sectarian politics and work towards a shared vision of peace and prosperity for all.


Keith Bernard