Men accused in supermarket robbery granted $50,000 bail but remanded over gun and ammo

Three men accused of the armed robbery of a Unity supermarket were granted $50,000 bail each on September 24th but were remanded a day later at another court over the possession of a firearm and ammunition.

On September 21st,   Lushawn Crawford, known as ‘Kang’, a 23-year-old construction worker of Lot 99 Haslington South, East Coast Demerara (ECD); Renardo Persaud, a 25-year-old taxi driver of Lot 229 Track ‘A’ Coldingen, ECD; and Anton Fraser, a 20-year-old security guard of Lot 36 Nabaclis Side Line Dam, ECD were arrested by ranks on patrol shortly after it is believed that they robbed a Chinese supermarket (Ayan) at Unity, ECD.