Georgetown needs to be fixed and fixed now

Dear Editor,

Recently, President Ali talked about Georgetown and the need to enhance our city and many residents would be very glad for improvement. But talking is cheap and easy while getting things done and done properly is another story- sometimes a story with no ending, and worse than that is a story with no beginning.  Moving around Georgetown, one can see the degradation ,  filth, chaos and confusion existing in 90% of our once beautiful city, which is the only city in the whole of Guyana.

Editor, the politicians who run our country and city could blame each other for our city’s malaise but all of them are guilty of allowing our once beautiful city to sink to a state of heartbreak because we all know that Georgetown is the nicest city in the West Indies – tourists know it too. Our city is also an attraction for Guyanese living in rural areas and coming to town is like an outing for business and pleasure. So, where do we start in restoring our city to its potential beauty?

Editor,  the PPP government is building road infrastructure all over the country and that’s good for our future and everyone will agree, We’re spending big money on new roads,  money earned by our deal with Exxon/Mobil, a deal which brings us money – US dollars –  which we never had after our political leaders “emptied the barrel” with squandermania, corruption and race and ethnic hate-all infused with socialism/communism, with the best deals always, for friends and family. Now, everyone wants or owns a car and more and more vehicles are being sold. The citizens of Georgetown  want to enjoy their investment in their cars but maintenance of those cars increases twenty fold with the terrible roads in the whole of Georgetown. Look at Water Street – what a disgrace when Water Street was once the life energy of Georgetown with commercial banks and  an excellent business and shopping thoroughfare -shame on all the politicians!   Not to mention High Street, Regent St., Camp St.,Lahama St., Church St. and all the other roads  – all in a state of ridiculousness – shame on all the politicians!

Editor, Georgetown  needs to be fixed and fixed now with all the oil money coming in; there can be no excuses for us in this city; start with our roads which are decayed and degraded causing untold costs on our city population with tire  rim, shock absorber , wheel alignment  and wear and tear  – additional expenses on our residents. who have deserved better if the politicians had acted in a united manner to serve Georgetown years ago. We in Georgetown have waited long enough for better roads, better water, better electricity , better housing and it is obvious that all our politicians have failed us and obviously have no interest in Georgetown’s welfare – all they do is play the blame game, the race game and the “is na me” game while friends and family benefit from the real game – the money game. We., the citizens of this city we love deserve a better reality, not a mirage of promises from our politicians so,  shame on them all!

Yours sincerely,

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)