Quai Craft Chocolate hits a sweet spot

Naiya Kartick-Bulkan  with some of her Quai Craft Chocolate
Naiya Kartick-Bulkan with some of her Quai Craft Chocolate

A new artisanal chocolate brand has been stirring excitement in Guyana; Naiya Kartick-Bulkan’s Quai Craft Chocolate, a venture born of a lifelong passion for the rich, velvety treat. The name “Quai,” she revealed, is a blend of her nickname and her daughter Quinn’s name. It encapsulates the personal essence of the brand.

Kartick-Bulkan’s journey into the chocolate world began with a simple yet profound inspiration: the birth of her daughter. With a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Toronto under her belt, she returned home, ignited by her new role as a mother and a budding chocolatier. “I wanted to create premium chocolates made from locally sourced cocoa,” she said, adding that she was driven by a desire to showcase Guyana’s rich agricultural heritage.