ERC criticises police action at church where noise nuisance alleged

A police rank inside the church

The Ethnic Relations Com-mission (ERC) has criticized the action involving a police officer during a church service in the hinterland which has ignited a heated debate over the balance between freedom of worship and noise nuisances.

A video circulating online shows a police officer escorting a church musician from the premises to the police station, reportedly in response to complaints regarding loud music from the church.

The ERC expressed deep concern about the incident stating, “The ERC vehemently condemns any action that infringes upon the freedom of worship.” The commission acknowledged on September 24th, the Guyana Police Force’s duty to address reported complaints but criticized the manner in which the situation was handled, suggesting that it could have been resolved in a way that was “less disruptive to the church service.” The commission further emphasized its commitment to “encourage and create respect for religious, cultural and other forms of diversity in a plural society,” and announced plans for a thorough investigation into the matter.