The ‘Building Our Dream Guyana’ approach to renewing and expanding the middle class and reviving the manufacturing industry in Guyana

Dear Editor,

Since my last letter, people have been asking that I share more on what my national development plan – economic, social, etc. would entail for the ‘Building Our Dream Guyana’ Campaign/Movement. In this letter I will address two areas for our approach to rebuilding and expanding the middle class and reviving the manufacturing industry as a main driver of developing a sustainable economy. I will also address a few other aspects for the social development plan.

My goal is to eliminate poverty in Guyana by 2035. As it relates to capacity, our national strategy in this area will focus on four components: local capacity – talent and expertise; regional (Caribbean) capacity – talent and expertise; diaspora capacity – talent and expertise; and international capacity – talent and expertise. For local capacity, my government will harness all available local talent; including academic, professional, technical, youth, retired, etc. Regarding Caribbean regional capacity, our government will again draw from academia, professional, technical, and retired. From the diaspora, we will similarly draw from the Guyanese and Caribbean Diaspora – academia, professional, technical, and retired expertise. In the context of international capacity our government will tap into talent from international organisations, institutional and individual expertise. Capacity and capacity development will be linked to the National Economic and Social Development Plan. So, Guyanese in the diaspora be prepared to come home to ‘Build Our Dream Guyana.’ Additionally, on the point of capacity, our government will increase the retirement age for the public service from 55 to 60 years.

As it relates to our approach to rebuilding and expanding the middle class, much effort will be placed on resuscitating the manufacturing sector as a main driver of a sustainable economy. Our National Economic Social Development Plan will distinguish what middle class in the context of the hinterland and the coastland means, instead of a one size fit all approach. For example, in the case of the hinterland, we intend to invest significantly in building the capacity of Amerindian communities to produce value added products from minerals and precious metals. More specifically, we will build the capacity of Amerindian communities to produce jewelry from gold, etc. The government will also build partnerships between these communities and the large local jewelry establishments, so that they have a ready structured local market. We will also explore foreign markets for the value-added products which will be produced by these communities.

With relation to other natural resources such as sand, our government will conduct feasibility studies to determine other products which could be produced. For example, would it be feasible to re-commence the production of glass, ceramics, etc.; should we rebuild the glass factory and a ceramics factory? As it relates to clay, our government will revive the clay brick industry. Forestry is another area we will review extensively to expand on the value-added products, such as plywood. We will also explore reviving production of appliances, such as fridges, freezers, and stoves. We will explore partnerships with international manufacturers to produce and assemble their products in Guyana. I am aware that the electricity supply is expensive for manufacturing to be more attractive in Guyana, but this brings me to the next point. Our power supply would be developed around a mixture of energy sources; renewable energy (Hydro power, wind, solar, etc), fossil fuel, gas, etc.

It is my view that currently the cost for government projects such as roads, bridges, buildings, etc. are inflated by 50 -75%. As we seriously address the issue of corruption, we will expand the fiscal space for a more diversified approach to development instead of what is obtained currently where the focus is mainly on construction of roads, etc. Another area I would like to address in this letter is the City of Georgetown. My government will work closely with the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) to revive the city into the Garden City within three years. We will start by paying all of the government’s arrears to the M&CC within three years. However, these payments will be linked to a results-based plan from the M&CC. Our government will also work with the M&CC to develop a new culture of paying taxes in the business community and among residents. After three years, my government will begin to pay the M&CC annually, this will allow the Council to do more realistic planning and maintenance of the city.

My government will also promote as far as possible a culture of stable employment for citizens, which will focus on pensions, an unemployment allowance scheme, medical insurance, among other benefits. I am also keen on reviewing the 401 (K) of the United States Internal Revenue Code to determine if this is another option that could be of benefit to the Guyanese people.

I am asking the Guyanese people to ‘Give Audreyanna a Chance’ to be the next President of Guyana. ‘Give Audreyanna a Chance’ to work with the Guyanese people to ‘Build Our Dream Guyana’ and achieve One People, One Nation, One Destiny; to provide strong leadership; to work with the Guyanese people to build strong families; to work with the Guyanese people to build strong communities; to work with the Guyanese people to build strong organisations and institutions; to work with the Guyanese People to develop strong citizenship; to work with the Guyanese people to build a strong economy; to work with the Guyanese people to build strong bonds; and to work with Guyanese to build a strong Guyana.

For the purpose of this campaign/movement; our community, youth, and diaspora groups, will be called ‘Dream Teams.’ I would like to partner and team up with people who still believe in the ideal of our Motto: One People One Nation One Destiny.


Citizen Audreyanna Thomas

Presidential Candidate 2025