Stabroek News

GWI says storm caused water disruption at Linden

Responding to a statement by APNU+AFC Member of Parliament, Jermaine Figueira, GWI yesterday said that a storm in Linden on September 24 had disrupted water supply and it had been proactive in trying to address the issue.

The Guyana Water Inc (GWI) said that Figueira’s statement on Wednesday had failed to identify the main causes of the water problem and tried to attribute this to the utility.

“The facts, however, are that the water supply was disrupted as a result of the storm which occurred on September 24, 2024 that caused significant damage to electrical infrastructure including a large 800kVA transformer which supplies electricity to the Wisroc Treatment Plant. The supply of electricity to the plant is the responsibility of the Linden Utility Services Co-op Society Limited (LUSCSL).

Jermaine Figueira

Upon investigation, LUSCSL initially believed that the problem was related to damaged cables which were repaired.  However, it was not until Saturday, it was ascertained by LUSCSL that the transformer at the treatment plant had been severely damaged beyond repair”, GWI said in a release.

GWI said it immediately intervened and sourced a replacement transformer from the Guyana Power & Light, ensuring its prompt transportation to Linden to be installed so that the treatment plant could commence normal operation.

During this time GWI said it continuously used its generator to power the plant to ensure water was delivered albeit only in some areas.  Additionally, GWI collaborated with the Guyana Fire Service and private contractors to deliver water to critical facilities including the hospital, hostel and schools.

GWI said it has invested in improving access and sustainability of safe water to the population of Region 10 and especially Linden.

It said that new wells were drilled or are to be drilled at Amelia’s Ward (to be put into Operation shortly) Bamia (completed), Rockstone, Old England, and Coomacka.

The Amelia’s Ward Water Treatment Plant is being upgraded with the addition of two new filters to expand treated water coverage.

The West Watooka Water supply project is set to provide spring water from the conservancy and replace the Demerara River as a source of supply.

A water loss reduction project is in place to improve the level of service to residents.

“At GWI we understand that water is a fundamental human right and an essential service and we will continue to provide access to safe water. We deeply regret the extended disruption to the water supply to the residents”, the release said.

Figueira had said on Wednesday: “On behalf of the affected communities in Linden, I stand with the thousands of frustrated residents who have been without access to water for far too long. The situation in several communities, including Wisroc, One Mile, etc has become intolerable, unacceptable, and outright disrespectful to the people”, he said.

He added that to go without water for over a week is simply unacceptable.

“I urge GWI to address and fix this problem immediately. The lives of thousands of people have been severely impacted, and this situation has gone on for far too long”, he said

Earlier on Wednesday, President Irfaan Ali met with the executive management and chair of GWI to emphasise the importance of service delivery.

A release from the Office of the President said that he instructed GWI to actively engage with communities and improve communication regarding planned maintenance, service disruptions, and improvement plans.

The President also reminded GWI management about the deadlines for key projects and infrastructure delivery to further boost the water sector.

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