Rohee attacks the base of the PPP party

Dear Editor,

Clement Rohee launched an attack on Dr. Ramharack because the latter dared to state his opinion on Mrs. Jagan (Ramharack situates Janet Jagan within the anti-Jagan narrative – Stabroek News). Here we have a Jaganite who just a few weeks ago waxed eloquence on a persona who was considered a traitor to Dr. Jagan/PPP/the Indos of GY (Sir Shridath made a name for himself and a legacy to preserve – Stabroek News)

Editor, he used the word Hindutwa,” Hindutva is ‘originally: the state or quality of being Hindu; ‘Hinduness’’’ – Wiki. Goatman referred to this term as he promotes his idea that Dr. Ramharack and Company (his word) are promoting Hindutva in Guyana. Editor, am seriously confused here. Was it not the staunch Hindu block that voted the Jagans’ PPP into power? Was it not the fierce Hindus (my late father included) who stuck with the PPP unlike the other religious groups in GY?  My late father’s life was threatened— he was a Hindu leader who was keeping the Hindu masses with the PPP especially when they (Hindus) had reservations about the Jagans’ ideology which did not subscribe to the belief of Sri Ram, Sri Krsna, Hanuman Ji, Bhagvan Ji. Some of the Hindus who fled Guyana during the dark days still express their disdain to the demi Gods that the Rohee worships at.

Editor, in his rage to attack someone because they have dared to state what is obvious to many who had interactions with the Jagans, he did not rebut the opinion of the writer but launched into a tirade about the glories of his beloved idols (is it now though after reading his adoration to one who was termed a turncoat by his demigods?).This feller has spat on the very people who has given him all of the luxuries of the good life that he now enjoys.


N. Sahadeo