In the pits

Imagine waking at 6 am, turning on the tap and there is not a drop of water. One would imagine that these are tales from destitute places. Perhaps a place where war has destroyed the hope, will and courage of the people; or one where the hands of imperialists have slowed the progress or crippled the nation. But not here in 592; not in this beautiful country the rest of the world envies because of our oil finds and being the fastest growing economy. Being deprived or uncertain about a necessity like water, should not be a story coming out of Guyana in 2024.

There are several images across social media of the dirty water flowing through the pipes of people across this country. It is hard to imagine that these are some of our realities in this time. There were several times this week when I turned on the tap and not a trickle could be seen. I thought about hell and heaven being on Earth. Are we the Guyanese people being punished?