The PPP/C’s matrix for the Guyana Police Force combines allegations of massive corruption, general lawlessness and apparently now a Commissioner past retirement age

Dear Editor,

Under the leadership of Clifton Hicken, the Guyana Police Force has descended into chaos and corruption, representing the absolute worst of law enforcement failures. The rot starts with something as blatant and visible as the rampant abuse of red and blue lights and sirens on private vehicles. This once simple issue—an easy matter of enforcement—has spiraled into unchecked mayhem on our roadways. Private citizens, emboldened by their SUV ownership, tint their windows and slap on emergency lights to flout traffic laws, brazenly bypassing police scrutiny. This is not just a violation of the law—it’s a reflection of a total collapse in the respect for authority and lawfulness under Hicken’s tenure.

But the lawlessness doesn’t end on the roads. Allegations of massive corruption, involving billions of dollars of taxpayers’ hard-earned money, hang like a dark cloud over the Guyana Police Force, and yet there is deafening silence. Not one attempt to clear the air, not one transparent investigation into where these billions are going. How can we, as a nation, trust a Force that cannot even answer to the people about the most serious of allegations? This is not just a minor failing—this is systemic, and it reeks of deep-rooted corruption.

It gets worse. Reports are rife with civilians having to buy their way to firearm licenses, a basic right for lawful citizens, now turned into a corrupt bidding process. Policemen and women, who should be advancing through merit and dedication, are being forced to pay for their promotions from constable to sergeant. Is this the standard of policing the people of Guyana deserve? Absolutely not. Under Hicken’s watch, our police force has become an institution where money and influence rule the day, and justice is nowhere to be found.

And now, with all this incompetence and corruption laid bare, the powers that be want to confirm a man in this leadership position—past retirement age! Is this not an insult to every law-abiding, taxpaying citizen in Guyana? The people must take note! The confirmation of Clifton Hicken would be a direct endorsement of everything that has gone wrong under his command.

This is the PPP/C at its worst—compromising national security, fostering corruption, and allowing a once proud Force to deteriorate into a playground for the wealthy and well-connected. This is not leadership; this is a betrayal of the people of Guyana. We must reject this at every turn. The PPP/C has failed to deliver on its promises, and if this is what they stand for, it is clear: they cannot be trusted with the future of our country. We, the people, must never vote for the PPP/C again if we want to see true accountability, justice, and a return to law and order.


Ganesh Mahipaul, MP