Decision to suspend NA councillor for three months seems harsh

Dear Editor, 

The decision to suspend the NA councillor for three months seems harsh and begs the question – were  procedures followed?  

It would appear from media reports, the suspension was done to shut up the councillor from speaking about perceived misdoings and wrongdoings taking place.  

The councillor is entitled to due process and the several allegations against her should have been forwarded to the Local Government Commission  for deliberations.  The action taken seems highhanded and unilateral aimed at silencing an outspoken person.

To compare the unilateral suspension decision to parliamentarians who were suspended for unbecoming conduct is misconceived and flawed.  Parliament is separate and distinct.  Local government is not parliament and cannot be so compared.   It is tied to the LGC and this disciplinary matter should have been referred to that body for advice on the way forward.

This decision does not sit or augur well. It should be reversed and the councillor reinstated.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed