A swift sting

A bee about to perform its final act (AI generated photo from Freepik)
A bee about to perform its final act (AI generated photo from Freepik)

The seas of this world are rich with fish. Our skies are overflowing with the colours of birds. The very earth that we walk on is teeming with bugs and critters of all kinds. In the same manner, the towns and cities that paint the surface of our planet are overflowing with people of all kinds. Everywhere we turn, we will find human beings populating the place. Interestingly, regardless of the abundance of people, we rarely find two individuals who are alike in every way. In fact, there is not a single person in the past, present or future who will share anyone’s exact genetic code. Perhaps this fact is comforting and uplifting in some way. However, the quality of abundance and heterogeneity is often a recipe for conflict.