The relatives of the Murphy Dam desecrated cemetery are aggrieved at being discarded by the highest office in the land and the DPP

Dear Editor,

Please allow me to air (my view) and our utter frustration on the following ordeal in your newspaper. However; I write on behalf of ALL the “Aggrieved Relatives” in relation to the “DESECRATION of The MURPHY DAM CEMETERY”, in Rosignol Village, West Berbice.                                                                                                

Friday October 4th 2024 marked exactly One Year ago since the story broke on the infamous contractor and his reprehensible and callous act of the “digging up” of the above named cemetery. Yes, we HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN! This date will forever be etched in our memories as it’s of significant and sentimental attachment; for these are OUR loved ones who were so callously removed from their final resting places and discarded only God and the perpetrator(s) knows where. Let me emphatically state that to date no form of justice was given to any of us the “Aggrieved relatives”. As such there is no closure as there are still unanswered questions: mainly as to where are the remains of our loved ones whose graves and tombs were desecrated?

As if the emotional and psychological distress were not enough as we held on to a sliver of hope that justice will be served, this was dashed after the DPP sent back the file in late January, with the pronouncement that no criminal charges can be instituted by the police against the contractor as per lack of or insufficient evidence; but further stated that we the “Aggrieved party” and/or the NDC can take private legal action against him. This I find preposterous, for if there’s insufficient evidence for the police to charge this callous contractor, how can we bring about private legal action based on this same evidence that we had submitted to the police (and presented to the DPP), which she the Madam DPP deemed insufficient? Also the NDC is an arm of the government. This right here seems like conflict of interest!                                                                                                

I would like to ask the Madam DPP and all those in higher offices who were put there to represent the entire country and not just those affiliated to the ruling party (the contractor is the nephew of a former Minister within this party who is now a PR to the United Nations); how would you like to see justice served if it was your loved ones’ whose final resting places were desecrated?  With reference to the “ONE GUYANA” slogan, does this seem as if we were given any sort of reprieve by this government in order to alleviate the emotional/psychological turmoil we are going through? Does it seem like we were given shelter under the “ONE” Umbrella? I see this chant of being “ONE” as just “Lip service” for us grassroots and immunity for the Entitled! Under that slogan shouldn’t it be “when one of the limbs suffers, the entire body responds with wakefulness”?

Another valid point I would like to make is on January 30th 2024, the President of Guyana visited Ithaca Village, West Bank Berbice. Prior to his visit I messaged him and sent him most of the information pertaining to this case. He responded and told me he had sent two ministers and he will ask them for an updated report. Now, those two ministers are namely Sonia Parag and Anand Persaud, they had visited since October of 2023, at least three months prior; and yet it seems that no report was given to the President. The only conclusion one can derive from this, as per reason if that is so, is our deceased relatives and us are IRRELEVANT!  It’s very stressful and frustrating that this entire saga has been swept under the rug and life just goes on as if nothing ever happened because we are not the entitled ones! Whereas life for us can never be the same.                                                                                                  Moving forward, on that very day (January 30th 2024), I had also messaged the President and related that we would like to meet with him. He did not give me a response to that. Nevertheless, undaunted, a group of us went to Ithaca Village that afternoon and tried to engage him with our plight.

Myself and pastor Sanjay approached him and the Pastor voiced our reason for being there, he asked who was Dukhi and I affirmed it’s me and he further asked if hadn’t I sent him a bunch of information earlier that day, I once more affirmed that I did. He then said to us and I quote “I will meet with you all later”. Now this was witnessed by all present as well as recorded by those who were representing media or otherwise.  We, however, did not ask the President exactly how later. And ever since that day that he gave us his “word” we held on to it with the high hope that he would have kept it! For a man’s word is his bond, and we felt that the “word” given by the President should be taken as an oral promise or guarantee that he will meet with us! Luckily none of us held our breath! Because to date, as I pen this letter, we have never been contacted by anyone on behalf of the President nor himself. Bottom line, is we the Aggrieved Relatives feel as if we were disregarded, dismissed and discarded as irrelevant and unimportant! The only time we are of relevance is when it’s elections time in Guyana, for that is when the grassroots’ citizens hold the proverbial “golden eggs”!

In conclusion, let me once more highlight that on the disputed area of the cemetery which was desecrated and that the contractor claims he owns, people still continue to bury their loved ones there. I had made reference to this in a letter published in the newspapers in February of this year.  Also on January 26th 2024 two reporters had accompanied a group of us and did an on spot reporting at the cemetery where this was highlighted. The point I am trying to make is if this contractor owns the land, why is it he does not object to his land presently being used for burial? Also why hasn’t he fenced his land nor erected a notice as yet? Further, why is the NDC not advising the residents not to bury their deceased on the disputed land?  Should one draw the conclusion that he never owned the land but he was using his link to those in authority to get away with the “Perfect Crime”! Sad to say he succeeded. The only fact that keeps us strong is the knowledge that Our Creator, the Supreme Being does NOT take bribes nor sides!


Juliet Dukhi

Social Advocate