The Biden-Harris administration revitalized the US economy

Dear Editor,

Before presenting facts to dispute Fuad Rahaman’s missive supporting the Republican Party in the U.S and urging Guyanese to vote for that Party, I will offer the stark reality that Donald Trump is unfit for the high office of President of the United States (U.S.). Rahaman, like Trump, presents spurious arguments. We have seen the damage Trump has done in his four years as President. He mishandled the Covid pandemic, resulting in the loss of millions of U.S lives and likely more abroad, due to the infectious nature of Covid. He mishandled the economy which saw a rise in food, fuel and home prices, to name a few and he kept unemployment at a high. He also broke long standing policies of previous governments by befriending autocratic leaders.

In all areas, except for the U.S. administration’s support for Israel in its ongoing war with the Palestinians and Hezbollah in Lebanon, President Biden and Kamala Harris have revived the U.S and their standing in the world after Trump’s horrific rule and the setback experienced by all countries around the world, due to Covid. Israel is of geopolitical importance to the U.S as it stands at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa and is regarded by developed countries to be the only democratic country in the Middle East. It lies in the midst of Arab countries which are home to the most militant terrorist groups and Hezbollah is funded by Iran which has long been America’s enemy, launching attacks on U.S bases in Syria and Iraq. It thus appears to be imperative that the US support Israel. However, it is repulsive that the U.S remains reluctant to withdraw that support despite Israel’s increase in genocide and war crimes since October 7th, 2023.

Under the Biden/Harris administration, the U.S. economy has grown stronger, unemployment is at a record low, the U.S’s important role in NATO has been re-established, there have been renewed efforts to combat climate change (which Trump said was a hoax) through the Conference of Parties (COP) and emphasis on renewable energy has increased. They have also provided more indispensable goods and services. Trump has resisted participation in all these essential areas and due to his appointments of judges to the Supreme Court, the ruling in Roe v Wade (the right of women to an abortion) has been reversed. These actions by the former President reek of those of a dictator. He has told his supporters that 2024 might be the last time they have to vote. He has indicated that would be the case if he wins. Rahaman is referring to this form of government as acceptable and that it should be the preferred choice of the electorate.

The increase in migrants to the U.S. was not irresponsible or encouraged by the Biden administration but was overwhelmingly due to the hardships brought on by Covid and the civil unrest, killings and persecutions which ensued in the countries of those fleeing. Trump’s ban on asylum seekers under Title 42, which was invoked due to the pandemic (asylum is a human right in both the U.S and international law) and his inhumane imposition of that ban, was overturned by the Biden administration after the pandemic. Biden tried to introduce a bipartisan plan to curb the influx of migrants, doing so in a humane way but this was resisted by the Republican Party. This would have created a system to better manage and grant asylum. Trump on the other hand, in dealing with asylum seekers, separated children from their parents at the southern border and many of those families were never re-united due to poor record- keeping.

Trump, from the time of his entry on the political stage, has uttered statements that lack substance and has never provided policies that would provide better lives for Americans other than the wealthy. Not surprisingly, his bluster and theatrics has appealed to the simplistic nature of his supporters who deify him and feel that because he was President and could become President again, he could make anything he says, happen. John Adams, the second President of the United States said, “May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof. “ It is a sad time for America, for those who have built it into a great nation and for the world, knowing that there are many thinking like Rahaman and trying to take others along that path.


Conrad Barrow