This huge cash grant will be fraught with many pitfalls

Dear Editor

Not only in Venezuela is Christmas early, but here too in Guyana.  With the two hundred thousand dollars, one-off cash grant, which will not be made before Christmas,  among other measures introduced, during the lengthy address to Parliament. 

Now that the gifts have rolled off how this particular one, the two hundred thousand, will be rolled out, is another head-scratching,  mind-boggling matter.  There are many variables to consider in ensuring and determining transparency, deserving and meritorious households among other factors.

Was it right to make the announcement for instantaneous implementation (payout) when proper systems are not in place for a smooth and seamless rollout? .

With no clear course of action to go on in formulating a plan and foolproof systems to determine eligibility, it seems prudent the first step would be to gather a register of households. This would require a house-to-house exercise with the assistance of NDCs and other community based authorities.  This should be compiled as soon as possible.

Secondly, the vexing question of who and what comprises and defines a household must be equally settled quickly. 

Considerations to avoid pitfalls, issues and scams of previous cash grants exercises must be given careful reviews.  The numerous cases of persons still holding pink slips from the COVID exercise is an indictment to be avoided.

The seemingly preferred use of databases from the two major utility companies, in the main, must be carefully studied as there are a number of accounts in deceased relatives’ names or in names of persons not resident in Guyana.  These bills are paid and are up to date by those residing at the addresses. How is this situation to be reconciled? Hopefully not with a pink, yellow, green or blue slip.

There are more questions than answers at the moment on this humongous undertaking, fraught with many slopes and pitfalls.

I support the use of cheques marked ‘non-negotiable’ or direct transfers to bank accounts.

Hopefully the authorities in due course would let us know how the process will be rolled out and criteria to be employed.

We know it will not be before Christmas.  So much for instantaneous.  We have to be patient and give the authorities time to put systems in place.  The Minister of Finance has to play a proactive role here in the formulation of plans and systems in the execution of this pay out.

We the citizens remain hopeful as we watch and wait.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed