This structure on the gov’t reserve is affecting the people of Mon Repos, Triumph and BV

Dear Editor,

I would like to bring to your attention a pressing concern that has been plaguing the residents of Mon Repos North and surrounding communities on the East Coast of Demerara. The rapid growth of an alleged illegal structure on a piece of land previously used for desilting a major canal opposite the Republic Bank on Agriculture Road Mon Repos, has become a monstrous eyesore and environmental nuisance, and its presence is having far-reaching consequences for the community.

The structure in question has been constructed on land that was once used for the desilting of the canal and servicing the Triumph Pump Station, which directly leads to the koker outlet.

The structure has not only completely blocked any access to this major drainage outlet but has also become a significant contributor to noise nuisances, garbage pile-up, road deterioration, and a complete decay of the once beautiful image of the community. It has become a great business spot for the Chinese, offering no benefits to locals, just an eye and ear sore.

As the government continues to spend billions on drainage, I implore them to investigate this monstrosity and the many similar others, especially on the East Coast, where government reserves have become lucrative business spots for the elites and connected, while leaving the residents of communities, but more importantly electors, to struggle for comfort.

I request that your esteemed newspaper highlights the plight of the residents of Mon Repos and surrounding communities and brings attention to the urgent need for intervention. By shedding light on this issue, I hope that it will prompt the authorities to take swift action and address the concerns of the community. I would like to encourage readers also to highlight, report and make public the illegal land grabbing and squatting by the many “new elites” and take a stand for your communities as it is your home.

The People of Mon Repos, Triumph and Beterverwagting deserve better!


(Name and address provided)