In Trinidad cop gunned down in Santa Cruz

Jerome Bleasdel

(Trinidad Express) Police have no motive for the murder of Special Reserve Police officer Jerome Bleasdel.

Bleasdel, 32, lived at La Canoa Road, Lower Santa Cruz.

He was fatally shot on Saturday night in San Juan.

Police said around 10 p.m., Bleasdel and a 25-year-old friend had just exited the Fei Teng Supermarket along Eastern Main Road, and were about to enter a Nissan B15 car parked on the road.

A white Toyota Aqua car pulled up next to them and the occupants of the vehicle opened fire on the B15.

Bleasdel and his friend were hit about their bodies.

The assailants then drove off.

People in the vicinity notified the police and paramedics and a team of officers from the North Eastern Division as well as the Homicide Bureau, led by ASP Boodoo, Sgt Ramjohn and Cpl Gordon responded.

The two injured men were taken for medical treatment.

Bleasdel was pronounced dead at 11.12 p.m. at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex in Mt Hope.

The 25-year-old victim, who is seeking treatment at a private institution, was in stable condition last night.

Police recovered 14 spent 9mm shells along with one fragment and one live round of 9mm ammunition at the scene of the shooting.