Disgruntled at the quality of service from One Communications

Dear Editor,

I pen this letter to vent my frustration with One Communications, formerly (GTT). I’ve been using the services of that entity for the past 17 years, through thick and thin, and with more faith than Job from the Bible. Since the rebranding of that company, I am shattered with the horrible mobile data and residential Fibre WiFi service I am receiving. I would normally opt to put my mobile phone on their monthly plan, which was $8,500 before the rebranding. Despite the trials of on and off mobile data service, which sometimes don’t work for days, I tried with it.

Now that same monthly plan has been reduced to $7,000 the service is more horrible. I’m forced to subscribe to an on and off mobile data with the Internet moving slower than a turtle. Sometimes, I get complaints from my family, friends, and staff that they are trying to call me, and my phone is off; mind you, my phone is never off. With regard to my fibre residential service I used to pay $11,000 a month. Shortly before rebranding, I opted to pay $13,000 a month for a faster Internet service. Now, low and behold, I am receiving a slower Internet service for more money.

I am fed up calling and reporting this to One Communications. I strongly believe that the same money spent on rebranding should’ve been invested into improving the quality of services because right now I’m plenty stressed out with the service I’m receiving.


Quincy Anderson