Every adult to receive $100,000

Irfaan Ali

– Ali revises cash payout

President Irfaan Ali yesterday announced a revision to his previously announced cash grant incentive, saying that instead of the one-off $200,000 per household payment, each adult citizen 18 years and older will receive a one-off cash grant of $100,000. To be eligible, recipients will have to show proof of Guyanese citizenship by way of national identification card or Guyana passport.

“I now wish to announce that, instead of the one-off cash grant of $200,000 to every household previously announced, my government will expand this benefit by providing a one-off cash grant of $100,000 to every adult citizen of Guyana who would have attained the age of 18 years as of 1st January 2024, with the simple means of verification being possession of a valid national identification and or a valid Guyanese passport,” Ali announced via a live broadcast on radio, television and the internet.