In Trinidad: Man dies trying to rob cop

(Trinidad Express) An unidentified man was shot dead on Sunday night while allegedly attempting to rob an off-duty police officer.

While police believe they know the identity of the victim, up to 6 p.m. yesterday it had yet to be officially confirmed with relatives.

Police told the Express that at about 9.45 p.m., the 41-year-old officer was jogging around the Aranjuez Savannah with his son.

Upon reaching the northern side of the savannah, they were confronted by three men. One of the suspects said, “ah boy tonight is for allyuh, gimme what allyuh have” and pointed a gun at the officer and his son.

The officer, fearful for his life and his son’s life, acted as though he was reaching for his wallet, but instead drew his licensed firearm and shot at the trio, police said.

One of the men fell to the ground, bleeding from injuries to his chest, while the other two ran across the Priority Bus Route onto Broome Street.

They were seen heading towards the Eastern Main Road.

The officer notified his colleagues at the North Eastern Division Task Force, and the injured man was conveyed to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex.

He was pronounced dead at 9.50 p.m. that night.

The deceased was described as a man of mixed descent, light brown in complexion, slim built, low haircut, dressed in a white vest and grey three-quarter pants.