‘He has shown remorse’ – Deputy Speaker accepts Young’s apology

(Trinidad Express) Government Minister Stuart Young has been spared from facing the Parliament’s Privileges Committee for his offensive comments in Parliament.

After being reprimanded by House Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George, who exited the Parliament Chamber after making a statement on Young’s October 10 remarks, the Minister and Member for Port of Spain North/St Ann’s West delivered an apology which was accepted by Deputy House Speaker Esmond Forde.

Young issued an apology after Opposition Chief Whip David Lee moved a matter of privilege, calling on the House to send Young to the Privileges Committee.

Young stood up after Lee and delivered a personal explanation.

Young said that last Thursday at a point where there was a change taking place in the Chair, and the majority of the Opposition members were preparing to exit the Chamber, “I uttered words, sotto voce, which included colloquial terms that were unparliamentary.”

Young continued: “Mr Deputy Speaker, I take full responsibility for my actions and utterances and would like to record my humblest apologies to the House, the members of the House and to the population whom I represent, for my indiscretion and the ensuing disturbance that words have caused.”

He concluded: “I assure you, Mr Deputy Speaker and those I am privileged to represent, that it is never my intention to bring odium to this august House and the Parliament, which I will always do my best to protect. In the circumstances, I withdraw the unparliamentary language and I ask that my unreserved apology for the said utterances be recorded, and I conclude by reaffirming my commitment to the Parliament and the people of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. I thank you.”

The Deputy Speaker immediately issued a ruling after Young’s apology.

Forde stated, “Honourable members, I am now prepared to rule on the question of privilege, raised by the Pointe-a-Pierre MP, earlier in today’s sitting.”

Mumbling in the Chamber caused Forde to remind the MPs: “I think we know the clear procedure when the Speaker is on his legs.” He said: “I have considered the circumstances surrounding matters raised before me today and I have also examined the personal explanation made by the Honourable Member for PoS North/St Ann’s West, earlier in today’s proceedings.”

Forde added: “As we all heard, the Member had unreservedly apologised for his behaviour and withdrawn his unparliamentary comments. By apologising, the minister has demonstrated remorse for his comments and reaffirmed his commitment to the values and norms which obtain in this House, and rejected his previous behaviour which fall far beneath what is expected as a Member of Parliament.

He continued: “Honourable Members, I am sure you will agree with me that it would be beneath the dignity of this House not to accept the apology of the Honourable Member for Port of Spain North/St Ann’s West. I therefore rule that the matter referred to me by the member for Pointe-a-Pierre does not warrant any further action by this House or its Privileges Committee. I take this opportunity to once again call on all Members to uphold the dignity of this House and conduct the nation’s business in a manner befitting their station. I so rule.”

Forde’s ruling was followed by Divali greeting from both benches, issued by Leader of Government Business Camille Robinson-Regis and Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

 Following is the transcript of the comments Minister Stuart Young made in the Parliament on October 10, 2024, when Opposition members, including the Opposition Leader and UNC members, exited the Parliament chamber:

Young: All allyuh go. He will run girls now for all ah allyuh in the back room. He cyah use the PTSC buses anymore, though, but he will bring the girls for all of allyuh now, including Kamla.

Imbert: (Laughter)

Imbert: They going and use the bathroom

Young: Yeah, she going and zami! (slang for lesbian)

Imbert: Ay, what wrong with you, boy?

Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh (in the Leader of Government Business chair): Oh God, Stuart.

Young: Don’t call my name!

Imbert: What wrong with you?

Young: What the f***?

Imbert: Aye, boy, cool it. The mic on (laughter).