Sugar production figures dismal; recovery to meet target unlikely

By Marcelle Thomas

Recent sugar production figures for this year show continuing dismal performances with the industry already short of even half of its projections; the Rose Hall Estate is the worst of all,   coming in at only at 33% of its budgeted figures as of last week.

Records seen by Stabroek News, which show this year’s figures as at October, reveal that the sector was projected to produce an unambitious 59,108 tonnes of sugar, but has only produced a total of 26,783 tonnes to date. It seems unlikely that the deficit of 32,325 tonnes could be made up in the little time remaining. 

A breakdown of the performance to date is shown in the table below.

In August this year, this newspaper had reported that even as the corporation’s audit for last year was still to be completed, projections were not bright as GuySuCo recorded back-to-back losses of $7.8 billion and $10.2 billion in 2021 and 2022 respectively with this year recording the lowest first crop in its history.