Crochet artist Damali Cox is optimistic about the industry’s future

Damali Cox
Damali Cox

By Rae Wiltshire

Damali Cox shared that crocheting has been a tradition in her family for generations. Both her mother and grandmother were crochet artists who had tried to teach Cox and her sister the craft when they were just 7 and 9 years old. However, Cox admitted it had been difficult for them to focus and take the lessons seriously. It wasn’t until adulthood that Cox and her sister decided to pick up the art.

About five years ago, while on maternity leave, Cox began crocheting, taking photos of her creations and posting them on social media. People began asking if her items were for sale. Initially, crocheting was simply a way for her to relax and bond with her sister. However, Cox acknowledged that in the beginning, it was anything but relaxing. Learning the new skill was challenging, and she often missed stitches, which she found frustrating. To add to the pressure, her sister became proficient much faster, which sparked a friendly competition between them.