The people of Leonora have announced a simple challenge

Dear Editor,

In the English alphabet, after letter L as in Leonora, is M as in money, followed by N as in noise. A lethargic Leonora drowning in the sorrow of improprieties, inappropriateness and indulgences, is monopolized by money manipulation and nuanced by noise nuisances. The many adversaries advocating the awareness of a village’s disrepute, have erupted with exited enthusiasm with the hope of an early day of reckoning. From the many advertisements and communication sent to so many authorized agencies addressing the issue and exposing the calamity, we end up with the authorities being PQR as in polite, quiet and respectful in the line of duty towards dormancy, transparency and leniency.

Sadly, to date, a sense of fallacy has now erupted to interrupt the smooth flow of letters H as in honour, I as in integrity and J as in justice. Seems as if the characteristics of UVW, that is, the uniqueness of valour and wisdom have taken a vacation and are out in the cold. Should we blame the pundits of the academic and religious professions? What gifts await the impoverished peasants in the village? Will this season see the big guy from the North Pole visiting Leonora with his bag of ABC to annihilate the anomalies, bridge the border and crack the corruption? There are many good, bad and ugly guys and gals who have been MNO, as in mannerly, naughty and obnoxious.

Seems as if there is no DEF in the society with danger, emergency and fire. There are some diehards who think that, there is nothing wrong in the community because all the villagers must be patrons of patriotism, parallel to none! While the freedom of speech is guaranteed in the Constitution, complaining with the voice of a critique is not being complimentary of any compromise. In fact, further communication is configured as monotonous motivation!

All the complaints have been shelved and preserved for longevity, swept under the carpet and sealed as case closed. While there was a flame ignited to raise hope, such a dream has been shattered with the sound of silence which is louder than the noise nuisance. Authorities do not want to be disturbed and this problem will only pester people as a plague.

Which authority dare to broach the topic of a bar that was licensed to be located in the middle of a residential area, licensed to disturb the peace, licensed to be fearless of closing hours, licensed to contribute towards a negative image, and licensed to create mayhem in a community that have to fight to enjoy the basic rights of human dignity, decency and decorum?

With their backs against the wall, the people of Leonora announce a simple but serious challenge. Will any NDC, CPG, Police, RDC, Minister or a knight in shining armour become the rainbow in Leonora’s cloud and step up to the plate?


Jai Lall.