Vendors complain about health risks from garbage at Russell Square

Another pile of garbage in Russell Square before the council cleared it

By Subhana Shiwmangal

Vendors who were relocated to Russell Square by the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) are complaining about the overall sanitary conditions that they are forced to work under. The vendors, who spoke with the Stabroek News, are claiming that the area is overrun with high piles of garbage, stench of urine, spoiled food and stagnant water. The vendors said that despite several complaints to the M&CC the situation only seemed to be getting worse; some vendors have actually blamed the unsanitary conditions for illnesses that afflicted a few of them recently.

The vendors are also blaming the unsanitary conditions for a decline in sales. According to the vendors, customers are bypassing them and going to other vendors where the overall sanitary conditions are better. This, some vendors say, is forcing them to walk and sell and to seek out better locations around the Stabroek block to ply their trade. Even though the M&CC sanitised the area about two weeks ago, vendors contend that garbage is still being dumped in the area. The vendors want the M&CC to install bins in Russell Square, improve the drainage system, remove the garbage on a daily or weekly basis and install a 24-hour washroom for the vendors.