PNCR could use this $100,000 as a test of loyalty

Dear Editor,

The recent announcement of a $100,000 cash grant to citizens could serve as an unintended referendum on the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), offering a unique opportunity for the party to assess its standing among supporters and, more importantly, its relevance in today’s political landscape.

The PNCR could use this grant as a test of its raison d’être by encouraging its supporters to contribute their entire cash grant to an election campaign fund. Such a call would not only measure the depth of loyalty and trust among its base but would also demonstrate how much faith they have in the party’s future.

If supporters rally and contribute in significant numbers and amounts, it would reflect strong confidence in the PNCR’s vision and leadership, signaling that the party remains electable. However, a weak response—both in terms of supporters and dollar amounts—would serve as a powerful indicator that the party no longer commands the allegiance it once did. In such a scenario, the PNCR should seriously reflect on its viability as a political force. Perhaps, it may even consider the possibility of disbanding and allowing new, more dynamic movements to emerge in its place.

The party’s ability to galvanize its supporters for this cause would be a true test of whether it has a future in the national political arena or if its time has passed.


Keith Bernard