Medical, nursing students benefit from online forum on mental health and cancer

A poster for the online forum
A poster for the online forum

An online forum, aimed at illuminating the often-overlooked importance of mental well-being for those navigating a cancer diagnosis and its rigorous treatments, including chemotherapy, was held on October 15th to coincide with Cancer Awareness Month.

It was led by Dr Latonya Summers, Associate Professor in the Clinical Mental Health Counselling Department at Jacksonville University, who noted that the physical implications of the disease had a profound effect on mental health. The presentation delved into several key themes, including the impact of mental health on minority groups, exploring how socio-economic factors influence mental well-being and access to care. It discussed mental health in the workplace, highlighting strategies to support employees dealing with chronic illnesses like cancer. The event also covered coping mechanisms for diseases, focusing on how mental health contributes to resilience during treatment, and addressed the general importance of well-being, reflecting the World Health Organization’s definition of health as encompassing physical, social, and mental wellness.