FPSO inspection

As part of its commitment to safeguarding workers’ rights and promoting workplace safety in the oil and gas Industry, the Ministry of Labour recently conducted a detailed inspection on board the FPSO Liza Destiny. Led by Occupational Safety and Health Officer Ray Hosannah and Labour Officer Deniese Duncan, the ministry’s team reviewed the drillship’s Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) policies, training and competence of personnel, emergency response systems, risk assessments, waste management, and record-keeping practices. Key topics such as the National Minimum Wage Order, working conditions, overtime regulations, termination protocols, probationary periods, notice periods, and leave with pay were also discussed with crew members. (Ministry of Labour photo)
As part of its commitment to safeguarding workers’ rights and promoting workplace safety in the oil and gas Industry, the Ministry of Labour recently conducted a detailed inspection on board the FPSO Liza Destiny. Led by Occupational Safety and Health Officer Ray Hosannah and Labour Officer Deniese Duncan, the ministry’s team reviewed the drillship’s Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) policies, training and competence of personnel, emergency response systems, risk assessments, waste management, and record-keeping practices. Key topics such as the National Minimum Wage Order, working conditions, overtime regulations, termination protocols, probationary periods, notice periods, and leave with pay were also discussed with crew members. (Ministry of Labour photo)