We are not enjoying the basic comfort of a reliable supply of electricity

Dear Editor,

There are many troubling and unnecessary events in Guyana. The brutality of our rivers and destruction of nature’s goodness by mining is beyond belief. What is taking place in the sugar industry is beyond belief. The loss of confidence in the Guyana Police Force Top-Brass is no secret. But Editor, today I once again refer to the inconvenience of our daily lives by an unreliable supply of electricity.  For the past few weeks, without exception, we’ve had regular outages. On Wednesday, in the area where I live in Lodge, Georgetown, we had three outages. Today, I dictate this letter after lunch and after an outage.

We live in a country where per capita we are the richest in the world and with the well-oiled propaganda machine, we are bombarded daily with the wonderful things the PPP Administration is doing in the fastest growing economy.  Let me repeat what I’ve said before.  Any organisation irrespective of size requires the four ‘Ms’ to deliver an active service – Money, Materials, Machinery and Management. We are not short of money and therefore has access to machinery and materials to provide a reliable supply of electricity. The missing link therefore is the other ‘M’ – Management.

Why the President and the PPP Government is not for the sake of all citizens including their supporters ensuring effective management by professionally driven and technically competent persons is beyond belief. When will good sense and the interest of this nation be placed on the front burner so that all of us can enjoy the basic comfort of a reliable supply of electricity in our communities? Editor, perhaps you can help us with an answer. An answer, I hope is not the one someone said to me that the Ministers and bigger ones don’t care because they all have automatic generators that turn on when GPL fails.


Hamilton Green
