Thrown in at the deep end, Dr Karen Pilgrim has made sport administration her life’s work

Dr Karen Pilgrim

Having provided 26 years of voluntary service in sport administration nationally, Dr Karen Pilgrim, a veterinarian by training, believes that Guyana will not achieve the glory it is seeking in the field of athletics until it institutes proper programmes in schools, and sport no longer has to depend heavily on volunteerism. 

“That is just my Jamaican bias talking. Without proper sport programmes in schools, we will not be able to capture the talent,” Pilgrim, who spent most of her childhood in Kingston, Jamaica, told Stabroek Weekend in an interview.

“Once sport depends on volunteers, there will always be a limit as to how far we can go because volunteers take time off from jobs etc. I was lucky that after leaving the Ministry of Agriculture in 1998, I worked according to my time,” she said.