Alphabetical arrangement will minimize this discomfort at pension books’ distribution

Dear Editor,

Pension books will soon be distributed to pensioners who will have to go through the musical chairs once more. There were instances where numbers were given as they arrive at the distribution center. Owing to the volume of people to receive books, there were those with numbers far above 25, 50, 75 etc. While the persons working at distribution of the books were doing their best, it was still a long wait for most of the pensioners. Those who are responsible for arranging the process need to try the alphabetical system. Surnames beginning with the letters A to G will uplift on Monday, H to L on Tuesday etc.

Or there could be four or five desks with the distributing crews of five working at each desk or table/ station. Each desk/ station will deal with only its designated alphabetical letters. Already, the past arrangements showed that they had the names so arranged. I have noticed, as do others, the discomforts most pensioners endure in moving from chair to chair. The effort they expend to get up, sit down, get up, sit down over fifty times. The alphabetical arrangement will minimize this discomfort a great deal. It is hoped that some considerations are given to these suggestions or others to make it a less harrowing experience to our Old People.


(Name and Address Provided)