Over the past two years Reushel France has enthusiastically embraced the responsibilities associated with being the owner of a modest but thriving Grocery Store in Sophia. (where in Sophia) For the 23 year-old mother of two providing a service upon which a significant portion of her community depends is a weighty responsibility which she takes seriously. Having to ensure that the various wants and needs of Reushel’s Grocery Shop are met have imbued her with a sense of responsibility that has helped shape much of the rest of outlook on life.
Such success as she has realized up to this time has provided sufficient incentive for growth and growth in Reushel’s circumstances, means aggressively pursuing the goal of continually enhancing customer appeal. What she has found, over time, is that the clientele that she serves can become sufficiently dependent of the goods and services that she provides to bring to bear what, all too frequently, are the pressures that attend her role as a service provider. Over time she has come to understand that you fail to ‘deliver’ and in the highly competitive world of providing goods and services, you fall by the wayside.