The Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) launched the Arjuna’s Archery Club, which will be based at the institution’s Cornelia Ida location in West Demerara.
This was disclosed by a release from Archery Guyana, the local governing body. According to the correspondence, the decision to start the club occurred following a coaching session that was facilitated by Archery Guyana’s Head Coach and Secretary-General, Nicholas Hing, and included instructor Kenrick Cheeks and the club’s committee members.
“This collaboration inspired the formal inauguration of the club during a small ceremony held in the school’s auditorium. The launch was attended by key figures in the archery community, including Hing, SVN’s Physical Education Teacher and Archery Coach Kenrick Cheeks, and members of the club’s executive committee,” the release stated.
Speaking on behalf of Archery Guyana’s President Vidushi Persaud-McKinnon, Secretary-General and Head Coach Nicholas Hing said, “The decision to name this club Arjuna is both meaningful and inspiring. Arjuna represents virtues that are essential not only in archery but also in life—focus, determination, and precision. This launch demonstrates SVN’s commitment to holistic education, blending academics with extracurricular activities that foster character, confidence, and teamwork.”