Quick thinking saves Better Hope family after gas explosion

The explosion in the kitchen was caught on camera

-faulty regulator seen as cause

By Khadidja Ba

A life-threatening gas explosion was narrowly avoided in a Better Hope home yesterday thanks to the quick thinking and calm actions of Necolese Alexander, a career ICU nurse.

The harrowing incident unfolded when Alexander, a re-migrant to Guyana, purchased a 20lb Massy gas cylinder from a local Chinese supermarket on the main road and returned home to reconnect it for cooking. Just minutes after starting to cook, a loud explosion shook the house, and flames erupted around her.

Speaking to SN at the scene of the explosion, Alexander described the terrifying moment: “I felt the flames all around me and heard the loud noise of the explosion. The heat from the fire was intense, and I could feel it on my back and behind my legs, I still feel some tingling on my skin. But I didn’t panic. I acted quickly.”