Kudos to a boss sister

“I always knew I wanted to work with myself and even though it took some time I am satisfied. I don’t own a big business and some days are good and some not so good, but I am thankful for where I am now and I can only pray that it gets better.”

The words of a mother of one who is in her mid-forties and who has had her own small business for the past few years. I support this sister from time to time . She has a very pleasant disposition, which led to me having a conversation with her one day.

I told her about this space and she agreed to talk to me but did not want her identity known and it was not because she was not proud of where she is today but prefers to remain private.

She recalled walking a long distance to get to her first job, which entailed wearing long boots in the rainy season because the roads were not good and her mother having to accompany her so she could change into her work shoes.

‘It was a struggle and sometimes I would meet about 7:15, never too late but you know the secretary above me would say you are 15 minutes or ten minutes late and I would explain to her that bus did not work in the area where I was living.

“But she would tell me how far she was coming from and all that. She lived in a area where buses worked and she would be coming at me. And I said to myself I don’t want to be working like this. By then I had a young son but I decided that I was leaving and I would try something else,” she told me.

The ‘something else’ she tried was moving to a Caribbean island. She had a young child at the time whom she left in the safe hands of her mother and while not skilled she quickly got a job.

“It was not paying a lot but I was able to send home money for my child and I worked for some time. It was hard work and I knew it could not have been forever… and I was not being treated right, not treated fairly and one day I say to myself I would come back home. I packed my things up in a container and I came back to Guyana,” she said.

It was upon her return that the entrepreneur bug really bit her and she started small with cosmetics.

“I always liked cosmetics and I would supply people but then a relative of mine living overseas asked that I assist with opening a business here. He asked me what line of business and I quickly said cosmetics, talking about everything –  from face, skin hair, everything you can think about. I found a spot to rent and we got into like a partnership.

“It was really my relative’s business but I operated it, it had my signature everywhere and he paid me but it was still like me working for myself because I got the opportunity to put my touch and it was just me even though it was difficult because at times I did need rest.

“I really like interacting with the customers and giving them what they needed,” she added.

I could attest to her liking to interreact with her customers as I have not only experienced, but I have witnessed it.

Her experience of running her cousin’s business was not all good but she does not regret it, as it prepared her for running her own business. She spoke about being accused of ‘stealing customers’ from another small business which even prompted the owner of that business make a social media post stating she was not affiliated with her business.

“I felt really hurt because to be honest that was not the fact, people would come and stop and buy from me and that was it and if they asked for that business I directed them and even if they asked for an item I did not have I would direct them to her. So it really impacted me,” she recalled.

A third party caused issues between herself and the relative and the sister said that she eventually decided to branch out on her own.

“I should have done it a long time before, but nothing happens before its time,” she said with a small laugh.

“I got this little space; I emptied my account and I got this space. And at first I didn’t even have enough items to put in this little space and people would comment on this but I knew it was just for a time,” she added.

Indeed, it was just for a time as today she has everything a woman or a man may need for their hair. And she has all the paraphernalia a lady may need for their hair as well coupled with skin care items.

“It was small and some months were difficult but I just kept going. I said I am not giving up this dream. But then Covid came and things went a little downhill but you know what, I did not give up the space. I could remember one time the police came and told me I had to shut the doors and go home, it was hard but today I am here and still open,” she said smiling.

“But I must say that if I had to pay a rent to live then maybe it would have been more difficult. But we have our own home and that has made it much easier. I have my one child and he is big now and working on his career and I am proud of him,” she said.

And she has added more to her business.

“I love cooking and you know I said to myself why not make breakfast items and sell and people would come and buy. So now I have that too. It is really a joy, I have grown so much. Before I would let things bother me, like when people would come in ans make comments and so on. But now I would just say ‘okay’ if someone say something negative. I would let it go and I don’t care who comes in I am happy to serve them and we can have a good chat, that is who I am today,” the sister said.

I asked if the business is for the long haul.

“Yes!”, she answered without hesitation but further added: “I don’t plan to be here for the rest of my life but I will be in business once I have the strength and I may not necessarily be in this country either because you never know what the future holds. But business is for me, I actually like what I sell and I take great detail when choosing things to buy and import.

“For me every little thing has to be unique. Sometimes people would comment that it is a bit pricey but I have to live too and I don’t take offence either. I understand everyone have to watch their pocket so who fancy the items I sell, then I am grateful,” the sister said.

This sister and I chatted for a very long time and we will have many conversations as I continue to support her business from time to time. I am happy that she has found her niche and has peace of mind. Sometimes we underestimate the value of peace of mind but just remember this is important for our overall health. Kudos to this sister who is doing things her way.