Teenage e-cyclist killed in crash with car at Tain

Raj Mohan
Raj Mohan

Police are investigating a tragic incident that claimed the life of an 18-year-old man at about 9 pm on Saturday on the Tain public road in Corentyne, Berbice.

The incident involved motor car #PAH 6222 driven by 19-year-old Samuel Subadar, and an electric cycle ridden by 18-year-old Raj Mohan, the police said in a press release.

According to the release, enquiries disclosed that PAH 6222 was proceeding east along the Tain public road in Corentyne, Berbice at a fast rate. It was alleged by the driver that he put on his right-side trafficator and was in the process of overtaking a car, when the e-cyclist who was on the northern edge of the road, suddenly rode across onto the northern drive lane, the release said.

Subadar told the police that he applied brakes to avoid a collision but despite his effort, the front portion of his car collided with the e-cycle causing the rider to be flung onto the road surface. The release said that Mohan sustained injuries to the head and other parts of his body as a result and was picked up by the police in an unconscious state and conveyed to the Port Mourant Public Hospital. There the doctor on duty pronounced him dead on arrival.

Mohan’s body is at Ramoo’s Funeral Home awaiting a post-mortem examination.

Investigations continue.