Another American fast-food restaurant is opening in Guyana and some of the people call it progress. Feigning ignorance is a skill many Guyanese have mastered. But maybe some are ignorant. These deluded versions of us affect the whole. We have seen the suffering many of our people have endured because of poor choices but maybe it has taught some of us nothing. Those who lack depth, vision, knowledge or understanding to see pass the façade of wealth and health help to deepen our suffering. There being more options for unhealthy food is not progress. Yes, people have a choice. Yes, the coming of new fast-food restaurants creates jobs. I would be a hypocrite if I say people should never consume fast food, but it is the overconsumption that is the problem. We can think about the cost of the fast-food restaurants to set up and operate in Guyana, but what is the cost to the health and wellbeing of the nation? Food is not forced into the mouths of most people. Free will still exists but food addiction is also real.
Fast food overconsumption
By Mosa Telford