Charlotte Woolford. Mal Woolford. No Relation, An exhibition – London

(Cont’d from 8 December)

“Charlotte [Woolford] and Mal [Woolford] use the early photographic technique wet-plate collodion to make closely observed portraits not as photographer and model but as co-photographers. They trouble the historic use of photography by exploring equal control and representation. Charlotte and Mal also incorporate Demerara sugar, sourced from Guyana, in their developer mixture.”  (No Relation, Press release)

Akima McPherson (AM): Mal, in our previous conversation you mentioned the Zealy/Agassiz daguerreotypes. Indeed, those images are problematic. And in mentioning them you pre-empted my next question regarding what is written in the press release about your co-photography “[troubling] the historic use of photography.” Can either of you (or both) say a bit about those daguerreotypes and about the wet plate process? Also, I’m really interested in your use of Demerara sugar. For instance, can you offer some insight into how you used it or the results of using it?