The Lucas Stock Index gained 0.010 percent on the sale of 9,741 shares during the second period of trading in December 2024.  Six stocks traded during the period with one Climber and one Tumbler impacting the market value.   As a result, the market experienced a modest gain of G$79 million in value.

   The stock price of Demerara Tobacco Company (DTC) rose 0.175 percent on the sale of 1,296 shares while the stock price of Sterling Products Limited (SPL) fell 0.294 percent on the sale of 558 shares.   

In the meantime, the stock prices of Demerara Bank Limited (DBL), Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (BTI) and Republic Bank Limited (RBL) remained unchanged on the sale of 2,015; 3,272; 500 and 2,100 shares respectively.

The LSI closed at 1,357.066.