The PPP government, citing inflation and wasteful spending, had no intention in giving any cash grant to the general population this year

Dear Editor,

The fear of political discrimination in Guyana, already very high, is noticeable when moving around in our country, and even in the Diaspora, while having discussions with our citizens. One of the fear is if you bring out the truth of any wrong doing by members of the governing party, or condemn them, the PPP will find ways to target you, directly using government authorities, supporters, or persons who will do anything for a dollar. This perception of fear is widespread across Guyana, and has to be removed by educating our people to remove such fear.

Editor, evidences of political discrimination are in the multitude, but because of the fear of losing opportunities, such as contracts, promotion, or being transferred to locations far from home, loss of job, many choose not to come forward with evidences of corruption, or discrimination for fear of betrayal.

Editor, the reality of ‘runnings’ and discrimination has become a way of life, and to change that way of life, it may take decades of proper education, especially moral and mind control education, because of the embedded culture of take what you get, shut your mouth and feed your family. It was the AFC and others who demanded that the cash grant be given to the people, who are truly the shareholders of our oil resource. And it was the people who had demanded that each adult citizen be given a $100,000 dollars, to prevent divisions in home and family, instead of the head of the household collecting a $200,000 cash grant.

The fear of not getting the cash grant looms, because of the fear of political discrimination, which is far higher than the previous government. Even PPP supporters are afraid of the government they elected. The people of Guyana must take note that no part of the 2024 PPP government budget had provided for a $60 billion or more cash grant for the people. It was the people’s demand that had forced the pronouncements.

The PPP government had no intention in giving any cash grant to the general population this year. They cried it may create inflation and wasteful spending. They were forced by the people who saw the hundreds of billions of dollars Guyana was receiving, and that the poorer classes of citizens were not benefiting. We must prepare our minds to fight against financial discrimination and political vote buying in advance, by the people who are responsible for the distribution of the cash grant. Always remember, it is our money, not a hand out by the PPP. Remove the fear, be brave, and fight for your rights.

Recently, the AFC observed the government/PPP party representative in areas giving guidance to government officials as to who must collect cash grant. This brings about a perception that a person may be excluded by the PPP representative who may want to punish them because they are from other political party. It is a sad affair in Guyana, when you look and see the amount of systems that are being put in place to marginalize some and the creation of discrimination and fear in others.


Michael Carrington

AFC Vice Chairman