Daily Archive: Sunday, December 29, 2024

Articles published on Sunday, December 29, 2024

Samantha Craig

Social Worker of the Year Samantha Craig finds fulfillment in following her passion

Guyana Association of Professional Social Workers’ Social Worker of the Year 2024 awardee Samantha Craig, 46, established programmes for at-risk youth, at one time using her own funds and working overtime without pay, to get positive results never expecting an award, more so the Diamond Award which recognised her outstanding leadership and the positive impact she made in social work.

By March 5th, Granger had to have known who had won

Dear Editor, Tell me you won without telling me you won is the conundrum that faces political parties in Guyana after elections; the major parties have polling agents in every poll station and these agents are given a certified copy of the Statement of Poll (SOP) that have the official numbers for that station, within 12 hours after the close of polling, the results are known by the major parties, this is a fact.

CARICOM continues to provide decisive leadership

– outgoing Chair, PM Mitchell The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) over the past year has been faithful to its mandate to provide decisive leadership to propel the prosperity and well-being of citizens of the region, while speaking with one voice and premising all its interactions on the vision of a Caribbean Community, which is truly “A Community for All.”


We are on the cusp of a new year. At a personal level it will bring changes, hopefully for the better for many people, but at a national level it will be hard to indulge any optimism about the coming months.


Tradition gathers around Christmas. Pageants and homecomings and longed-for preparations repeat themselves year after year into beloved lifetime rituals.