Former Fellow of Harvard and the LSE. Seventh Chancellor of the University of Guyana
On 6 January, 2025, the US Congress certified the election of Donald Trump as President of the USA and he will be inaugurated on 20 January along with his Vice-President, J.D. Vance. What will America’s future role in the world be in a second Trump Administration?
Writing in the Washington Post on 5 January, veteran Post columnist Dan Balz pointed out that, this time around, Trump faces a more chaotic and perilous word than he did in his first Presidency. One of the biggest changes since Trump was last in office is what Trump himself has called “an axis of resistance”, which includes Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. China is challenging the primacy of the USA in the international order, while Russia is at war in Ukraine and at odds with the West at large. Putin has the long-term goal of regaining Russia’s strategic position that it had during the first Cold War.