Deeply concerned at the treatment meted out to our old age pensioners

Dear Editor,

 I am writing this letter as a concerned citizen of this so called beautiful / oil rich country of Guyana. I am very disturbed about the way old age pensioners are treated just to get this $100,000 dollar that was promised by the Government of Guyana. This is a cash grant for all Guyanese, but the old aged pensioners are being treated like rubbish with no respect and like they have no value.

These people have to traverse from one location to another just to be told that they are not distributing cash grant there anymore, that the time has passed for that.  So, what will happen to those old aged persons who did not receive the cash grant?

The way in which the cash grant is being distributed is very disturbing. When there is an election there are numerous polling stations. Why can’t the same be done for the cash grant distribution, which would be much better for the old age pensioners and others to save the hustling, cost and time of moving from one location to another? Why is it so hard to get this right?


Halima Khan

For Red Thread