The silly season 2025 has officially begun. Sometime this year Guyanese are expected to vote in general and regional elections and as usual during every election period there are those who choose to walk into the darkness that is their lower selves. These are people who allow themselves to practice hatred and resentment and fall for propaganda. This is the time when one nation, one people and one destiny seem like a myth. Unhinged and shameless, voices are heard defending and contributing to the madness that has had Guyanese in a chokehold since we became.
We are in the season when we will see the wolves attempt to transform into sheep as politicians woo the people to convince them to give them a chance or to give them another chance. In this country even the vilest can be given multiple chances to continue developing and executing the plots that lead us to hell. Some of these politicians are those who have betrayed the people. There are those whose thirty pieces of silver has multiplied into millions and billions, but they seek more opportunities to take from the Guyanese people and give them almost nothing. They will seek permission to continue building their generational wealth while the poorer of this nation are expected to make cash grants of $100,000 eliminate their generational poverty.
We will hear from politicians who are in positions of power to advocate on behalf of the people but have been sitting in their opposing positions barely doing anything. They have chosen to sit in weakness rather than stand and fiercely defend the people who are suffering in this country. These politicians will make us promises during campaign speeches that they will be better than the current batch running this animal farm. They will try to convince the people that they are the best for the job even though their poor leadership qualities will tell us that they are not even fit to run a rum shop. We have seen the script repeatedly and every time we the people play our part in this never-ending drama.
We will also hear from new aspirants. Some that we respect and some that we will be suspicious of. Some of the people will find hope in those they believe will bring us the changes we need and see them as the new saviours of this nation, but others will dismiss them preferring to stick to the old abuses from those who have been given chances. In this silly season some of the people will once again fall into the traps of prejudice and discrimination. The low vibrational state of being that is neither godly nor honourable stifles those who refuse to change. The venom of racism continues to poison every generation. We hope that every generation will evolve from the traps of hate and disdain, but we see that some have been taught to carry on the legacy. Relationships will be severed with brothers and sisters whose blood is also red. There will be reflections on past hurts and the sins of decades old ghosts. We will hear about the disturbances of the 60s. We will hear about how people migrated during the 70s and 80s because of hardships. Decades later people are still migrating in 2025 though there is an economic boom. We will hear about how people had to stand in lines because flour was banned. Ones who did not experience that, who were either young children or were not born, will talk about how they fear a return to that time or that it was the worst time in Guyana’s history. These are some of the same people who excuse the lines of 2025 where the sick and elderly must stand for cash grants that are supposed to lead them to glory. Some of the people must take pictures and videos and voice their thanks and praises to those in charge now as they gather material for their election campaign.
In this silly season decades old ghosts will be villains in some stories and heroes in others. We will hear about the 90s when there was new hope for the Guyanese people. We will hear about the 2000s when there were phantom squads, murders and a narco-state. We will hear about 2015 to 2020 with some seeing it as a period of renewed hope and others seeing it as a period of stagnation. Fingers will be pointed as to who sold the Guyanese people into bondage by signing what many believe are unfair oil deals. We will hear about rigged elections and lost statements of poll. Some will speak about the period of 2020 to now as a time of prosperity and the greatest development Guyana has ever seen while others will speak about how many Guyanese are still living in poverty and the cost of living continues to rise. We will be reminded about how people have been booted from their lands, of extrajudicial killings, of allegations of massive corruption in many of the government ministries, of nepotism, of the unqualified being given contracts to build roads, schools, pump stations and bridges and either doing substandard or incomplete work. We will hear about Guyana Power and Light that cannot keep the lights on two power ships later and how the Guyana Water Inc continues to annoy us with unreliable water supply and questionable quality.
In this silly season more sycophants will be revealed. They will boldly stand where they believe they will gain. There will be smear campaigns against those who choose to speak about the ills in this nation. Propagandists will distort or deny facts as they seek to revise our history. Political parties will vilify each other even though those who live by truth, justice and righteousness know that the role of the villain is shared. This is a place where the collective wellbeing of the people is not the priority, but what groups or individuals can gain for their benefits while the rest of the population fight and become criminalised for want or lack of motivation or ambition.
In this silly season we the people must protect our peace and mental health. We can either participate in the depravity or choose to be in tuned with our higher selves. Perhaps if most of us focus on the good that still exists and choose to stand united with our brothers and sisters, the voices of destruction and discord will not be as loud during this silly season.