More needs to be done so Guyanese are given fair chance to participate in oil and gas sector

Dear Editor,

Please allow me to express my deep concern and disappointment at the disadvantage meted out to Guyanese Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the oil and gas sector. Being a part of the transportation sector myself, I have witnessed firsthand the many disparities that exist in this line of work. It is mind-boggling to see foreign-owned entities, some of whom do not even own a single vehicle, handed huge contracts and then subcontracting to locals who are paid pittances to do the work, and this is just one sub-sector.

The Local Content Secretariat, which is mandated to investigate and vet companies to ensure that locals are the direct beneficiaries of contracts, seems to be failing in its duty. The fact that Trinidadians and other non-Guyanese are given most of the contracts, apart from the two major personnel transportation “local contractors”, is a clear indication of this failure. This goes against the very purpose of the Local Content Secretariat, which is to promote the participation of Guyanese businesses and individuals in the oil and gas sector.

I am calling on the Local Content Secretariat to publish a breakdown of the much-touted earnings from the oil and gas sector that would’ve gone  to contractors deemed to be Guyanese for public scrutiny, if the law permits. This will not only show transparency but also reassure the public that indeed, Guyanese and not foreigners or the politically aligned are the beneficiaries of the hefty sums. The average man on the streets knows who are front men and women for foreign companies so it won’t take a Holmes investigation to ascertain this. It is clear that more needs to be done to ensure that Guyanese businesses and individuals are given a fair chance to participate in the oil and gas sector. There must be a more proactive approach to promoting local content and ensuring that the benefits of the oil and gas sector are shared equitably among Guyanese citizens.

In conclusion, I urge the Local Content Secretariat to take immediate action to address the concerns of local contractors and to promote transparency and accountability in the oil and gas sector. The first step of which should be for the publication of a full list of beneficiaries as per earnings annually.

 I would also like to make a call for additional policies to be in place to restrict foreign ownership of local assets land, property etc, which in itself will create direct benefits to every Guyanese as rental from locals will be mandatory. Looking forward to discuss this in future publications.


Hemraj Vishaul Kissoon