Dear Editor,
I am advocating for an increase in the stipend for our Members of Parliament to five hundred thousand G$500,000.00 monthly, from 2025. The Guyana economy grew by 46% in 2024, and as an emerging and thriving oil and gas economy, we need to place a higher monetary value on the role of our Parliamentarians. As we have seen in the past, the votes of Parliamentarians have a high price attach-ed and their roles are becoming increasingly critical to good governance.
Additionally, very often there are complaints about Parliamentarians not providing adequate support to their constituencies or being involved enough in the development of communities and are not strong enough in advocating for good governance and a vibrant economy. With a stipend of G$500,000.00, some Parlia-mentarians may also be in a better position to work full-time in providing representation to their constituencies and being involved in greater advocacy while contributing towards shaping the transformation of our society and economy to become sustainable, resilient, and secure.
A more substantial stipend will also attract more young talent into the political arena. With an increase to G$500.000.00 stipend per month, from 2025, the annual cost will be G$390M annually. Three hundred and ninety million Guyana dollars per year for sixty five Parliamentar-ians, in an economy that grew by 46% and a thriving oil and gas economy, is a small price to pay for stronger political leadership.
Citizen Audreyanna Thomas