Ideas to help integrate services offered by police and animal welfare groups

Dear Editor,

A few days ago police officers in Leguan carried out a brutal roundup of several dogs, that had allegedly killed livestock. In my experiences with the police they have been very supportive in resolving animal cruelty related matters, so I was very surprised to learn about the above incident. In an attempt to improve communications between police and animal welfare groups I wish to present the following recommendations.

Ideas to help integrate services offered by police and animal welfare groups.

1.  Police should hold animals in humane conditions for the required period of 48 hours.

2.  Animals in custody should have ample water and food.

3.  Police should document evidence of any damage caused by the animals.

4.  Police should engage animal welfare groups, activists and shelters and request their assistance in capturing, transporting and maintaining the animals in question.

5.  A list of contact information, via telephone and social media, should be prepared by animal rights groups and circulated to all police stations.

6.  If animal rights groups do not respond within 48 hours, police should contact the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) or private vets to have the animals humanely euthanized.

7.  It might be useful to prepare a one page agreement between Police and Animal Welfare Groups regarding their coordination.

The Municipal Act states that dogs around markets can be euthanized immediately.

The police are obligated to destroy mangy and rabied dogs in accordance with the law.

Yours faithfully,

Syeada Manbodh