In commemoration of the renowned artist Stanley Greaves’ 90 birthday, the Sunday Stabroek will be featuring images of some of his artwork accompanied by poems written by him.
This week’s painting is entitled: MAZARUNI, 1977, Oils, 36 “X 24”, Oils. It was in the National Collection at one time.
A note from Mr Greaves follows:
I returned to Guyana in1968 after studying in the UK. It was difficult to return to painting because I had studied sculpture. My ideas for painting did not reflect the current practice.
In 1977 I went with Bobby Fernandes to the Mazaruni District where he wanted to take photos. During the early part of the trip I had strange dreams about Art and Music. On returning to the City I did the painting Mazaruni, a configuration of a strange place with strange figures. After this I was able to paint the way I wanted to. My Spirit had returned to Guyana. It was in the National Collection and was gifted to Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere during his visit to Guyana.