It is strange how the Guyana Police Force seems rather proactive in specific cases and circumstances and dilatory in others

Dear Editor,

Mr. Azruddin Mohamed is now more than on the PPP Government’s radar; he is under PPP leaders’ gun sights. It is illuminating how there is a trend in what comes out of an increasingly unscrupulous PPP camp against Guyanese that are perceived as some kind of threat. To leaders.  To their hold on power. To their role in incredible levels of corruption. Mohamed is now the latest person to have triggered the fury of the PPP Government. I watch on how this will play out.

I pause to share some disclosures. I have never met, never spoken to, never been in the vicinity of Mr. Azruddin Mohamed. This writing is not intended to have any bearing on his guilt or innocence in the allegations raised against him. This public offering is an attempt to piece together how a vicious government operates, how predictably embattled ruling political operators conduct the business of Guyanese. Connect the dots and soon enough there is a chain-link fence that spirals all the way to State House and Freedom House.

Reports are that Mohamed the Younger was a friend of party and government.  He is congratulated for his choice of friends. For now, he is a mortal enemy. A sea change in sentiments; why with a man so generous, so resourceful to PPP interests? He raised his hand, took a step. Politics and elections. He has some sort of following, been giving out richly. The prospect of lost votes makes men in the PPP lose their minds. This man must be taught a lesson, neutralized. What is stalled in the US, could be taken care of in lawless Guyana. Enter an accuser, which must run its course.  Enter the Guyana Police Force (GPF), which must run down all allegations wherever they lead.  What is strange to a dumb fellow like me is how the GPF could be such a mixed bag. All fire, when certain circumstances require; and all unthawing ice, when there are other circumstances calling for more delicate handling.

Consider: when accusations are made against known PPP Government characters, there is foot-dragging, stonewalling, and deflecting. Little moving, less doing. Whatever moves does so in circles, part of a square dance between legal people and police people. When government people are the ones accused, the GPF is all serious sanctimoniousness and serious sloth. Ministers, past and present, come to mind; loyalists are part of the picture. Matters raised die unnatural deaths.  Consider: When the people are critics of the government, however, or perceived as threats to its grip on power, then the GPF is a ball of fire, a lightning rod that sizzles and swizzles.

A man could be reached all the way in the badlands of Brooklyn. Police competence. Another Guyanese man who spoke out finds himself the beneficiary of close GPF embrace. Others have divulged details of GPF harassments, intimidations, double standards. Whether a believed electoral competitor rising, or public contributors making Guyanese (particularly PPP faithful) think, there is a vulnerable government that blanches fearfully. So, its people set the GPF free. The GPF is unchained against Guyanese parasites and undesirables. The GPF unravels internally when law-abiding citizens are attacked and slandered by the PPP Government’s squadron of goons and buffoons. They are in the Cabinet, in the Office of the President.

In the ruling party’s thinking sexual allegations have more staying power than filing lawsuits.  Sexual allegations and their authorship can be faceless, ownerless, traceless.  Look ma, no hands!  But they are the perfect weapon to bludgeon the unwary and unruly into refraining from whatever they do. Probably gearing up to take away votes. The probability of those writing about the ugly truths of PPP Guyana making loyalists think, defect. Any voice, pen, presence that courageously speaks to things as they are, that is someone to be squelched, muzzled using different methods.  Sexual allegation is that crime that sticks. Someone will believe, some sleazy PPP Government functionary ready to stoke the flames.

When there is certainty about one’s own standing, then the unflinching must follow. My strategy is simple, as it has its merits, powers. Hang whatever is raised around the necks of President Ali, Vice President Jagdeo, and Attorney General Nandlall. It is their people in their circles. I think that these same rodent-like political creatures can be found in the belly of the PPP Government; or in the beds of leaders. It is the transparency that was promised. It is about the law that is mouthed off unashamedly, usually comically. It is about the cranks of the chief intellectual author of the PPP Government, who fears young Guyanese, old Guyanese, and anything and anyone that represent a challenge to his rickety monopoly. Azruddin Mohamed must be managed out of existence. The drama now begins. The trend continues.


GHK Lall